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Confidence is everything.

My executive confidence coaching helps you master self-doubt, command every room, take bold action, and keep control of your life. Let’s transform your potential into power. .

I coach executives and high potentials from some of the world’s leading organizations


What is executive confidence coaching?

Confidence coaching helps you lead with authority, clarity, and authenticity.

Executive confidence coaching is a specialized form of coaching designed to help leaders, executives, and high-performing professionals enhance their self-confidence, assertiveness, and leadership presence. It focuses on overcoming self-doubt, managing stress, and developing the confidence to make decisive, impactful decisions in both personal and professional settings. Through tailored strategies, executive confidence coaching helps individuals:

  • Build self-awareness and eliminate limiting beliefs.
  • Strengthen communication skills to lead with authority and influence.
  • Develop resilience to navigate high-pressure situations.
  • Cultivate emotional intelligence to build strong relationships with teams and stakeholders.
  • Improve public speaking and presentation skills to inspire and motivate others.

The goal is to empower executives to step into their roles with more clarity, confidence, and authenticity, enabling them to lead effectively and excel in their careers.

Book a free coaching session and see if my confidence coaching is right for you.


Confidence coaching helps you lead with authority, clarity, and authenticity.

Executive confidence coaching is a specialized form of coaching designed to help leaders, executives, and high-performing professionals enhance their self-confidence, assertiveness, and leadership presence. It focuses on overcoming self-doubt, managing stress, and developing the confidence to make decisive, impactful decisions in both personal and professional settings. Through tailored strategies, executive confidence coaching helps individuals:

  • Build self-awareness and eliminate limiting beliefs.
  • Strengthen communication skills to lead with authority and influence.
  • Develop resilience to navigate high-pressure situations.
  • Cultivate emotional intelligence to build strong relationships with teams and stakeholders.
  • Improve public speaking and presentation skills to inspire and motivate others.

The goal is to empower executives to step into their roles with more clarity, confidence, and authenticity, enabling them to lead effectively and excel in their careers.

Book a free coaching session and see if my confidence coaching is right for you.


Why my executive confidence coaching is more effective.

It's Personal

My confidence coaching is more effective because it’s highly personal, focusing on the unique experiences, challenges, and goals of each individual I coach.

Unlike generic programs that offer one-size-fits-all solutions, I tailor my approach based on the specific needs of each client.

This personalized approach allows me to dive deep into their mindset, habits, and self-limiting beliefs, enabling me to address the root causes of their lack of confidence.

By building a strong rapport with my clients, I create a safe and trusting environment where they feel comfortable opening up.

This personal connection makes my coaching more impactful, as I can provide direct, actionable feedback and customized strategies that align with their personal and professional aspirations.

My ability to understand their unique journey allows me to coach them on a deeper level, leading to lasting transformation in how they see themselves and approach challenges.

This individualized focus helps clients achieve breakthroughs faster, giving them tools they can apply immediately to become more confident, perform better, and communicate with greater authority.

My personal touch transforms their experience, making the coaching more relevant and effective.

It's Actionable

My confidence coaching is more effective because it’s highly actionable, focusing on providing clients with clear, practical steps they can implement right away. Rather than relying on abstract concepts or vague advice, I offer specific, tailored strategies that help clients build confidence in real-world situations. Each session is designed to equip clients with tools and techniques they can immediately apply in their personal and professional lives, whether it’s improving communication, handling challenging situations, or stepping into leadership roles.

By breaking down complex confidence-building processes into manageable actions, I make it easier for clients to see progress quickly. This approach helps them build momentum, reinforcing their growth and boosting their belief in their own capabilities. I provide actionable feedback that clients can use to make adjustments, refine their approach, and continuously improve. This level of practicality ensures that clients not only understand what they need to do to build confidence, but also how to do it effectively in their day-to-day interactions.

Ultimately, my coaching turns insight into action, helping clients develop confidence through real, measurable changes in their behavior and results. By focusing on what works and providing a roadmap they can follow, I empower clients to make lasting improvements in how they present themselves and tackle challenges with confidence.

It's Measurable

My confidence coaching is more effective because it’s measurable, allowing clients to track their progress and see tangible results. I set clear, specific goals with each client from the beginning, focusing on areas like public speaking, leadership presence, or personal communication. By establishing measurable benchmarks, I help clients gauge their growth over time, ensuring they can clearly see the improvements they’ve made.

I use assessments, feedback loops, and regular check-ins to measure the impact of the coaching. This data-driven approach allows me to pinpoint areas where clients are excelling and where they need more focus, ensuring the coaching remains targeted and effective. Whether it’s through self-assessments, peer feedback, or performance evaluations, my clients can objectively measure their improvements, building confidence not just in how they feel, but in real, measurable outcomes.

This focus on measurable progress gives clients the reassurance that their efforts are working. By regularly reviewing their growth, they develop a deeper sense of achievement, which in turn fuels further confidence. The clarity of seeing results in concrete terms—whether it’s more assertive communication, better relationships, or stronger leadership presence—makes my coaching more impactful and results-driven.

It's Realistic

My confidence coaching is more effective because it’s grounded in realistic, achievable goals, ensuring clients build confidence in a way that’s sustainable and authentic. Rather than promoting unattainable ideals or pushing for rapid, unsustainable changes, I focus on helping clients make steady, practical progress that fits their individual circumstances and challenges.

By setting realistic expectations, I help clients avoid the frustration that comes with aiming for unrealistic outcomes. Each goal is carefully tailored to their current abilities, lifestyle, and personal situation, making success more attainable. This realistic approach means that the strategies I provide are practical and easy to implement in daily life, allowing clients to gradually build confidence through repeated success.

Moreover, because my coaching is grounded in real-world applications, clients can practice their newfound skills in familiar environments—whether it’s in the workplace, social settings, or personal relationships. This practicality reinforces their growth in ways that feel natural and sustainable, leading to long-term improvement. My realistic coaching approach allows clients to achieve success at their own pace, making the confidence they build more resilient and lasting.

Ultimately, by focusing on realistic, manageable steps, I empower clients to achieve meaningful, lasting confidence without the pressure of perfection or unrealistic standards. This leads to genuine personal transformation that’s aligned with their true potential.

It's Accountable

My confidence coaching is more effective because it emphasizes accountability, ensuring clients stay on track and achieve their goals. I don’t just provide strategies and leave clients to figure things out on their own. Instead, I establish a system of regular check-ins, progress reviews, and constructive feedback that keeps clients accountable for their growth.

This accountability structure helps clients stay committed to the actions we set together, holding them responsible for following through on the steps required to build their confidence. By setting clear goals with timelines and measurable outcomes, I make sure clients know exactly what is expected of them and can consistently monitor their progress. This prevents stagnation and keeps them moving forward, even when they face challenges or doubts.

Additionally, the accountability I provide creates a sense of partnership. Clients aren’t going through the process alone—they have me by their side to guide, encourage, and adjust strategies as needed. This support builds trust and motivates clients to stay consistent, making their journey toward greater confidence more effective and sustained.

By regularly reviewing their achievements and addressing any setbacks, my coaching ensures that clients stay focused and make real progress. This combination of accountability and support leads to faster, more significant confidence gains, making my approach more impactful and results-driven.

How my coaching works

Confidence coaching can make you a H.E.R.O

When you work with me, the first thing we do is a deep dive into who you are.

Then we’ll identify your strengths and weaknesses and create a road map for success while using the H.E.R.O framework

The H.E.R.O Framework is a performance coaching framework I developed that blends the most effective methods and models from popular mnemonic devices and helps to unlock your potential, cultivate your vision, overcome your obstacles, and optimize your outcomes for continuous improvement.

Let my coaching empower your self-discovery, resilience, and excellence while you become the H.E.R.O of your story.

Download my price guide and see if my executive coaching is right for you.


Breaking Down the H.E.R.O Framework

Harness your potential

  • Collaborative Goal Setting:
    • Engage in collaborative discussions to identify and set meaningful goals.
    • Leverage the strengths and insights of both the coach and the client.
  • Status and Certainty Check:
    • Recognize the client’s current status and provide clarity on their potential.
    • Emphasize the importance of building on existing strengths.
  • Innovate for Personal Growth:
    • Encourage innovative thinking for personal and professional development.
    • Explore creative approaches to harness untapped potential.

Envision success

  • Wish for the Stars (WFS):
    • Define ambitious and inspiring long-term goals.
    • Visualize success and the positive outcomes associated with goal achievement.
  • OKR Mapping:
    • Clearly articulate objectives and key results to measure progress.
    • Develop a visionary roadmap for success.
  • Outcome Mapping for Impact:
    • Map the desired impact and outcomes of achieving each goal.
    • Align goals with the broader vision for personal and professional fulfillment.

Remove obstacles

  • Identify and Address Obstacles (IDARE):
    • Identify potential obstacles that may hinder progress.
    • Develop strategies and action plans to overcome challenges.
  • SCARF Navigation:
    • Address psychological and social obstacles by considering Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness.
    • Foster a supportive environment for overcoming hurdles.
  • Backward Goal Setting for Clear Pathways:
    • Work backward from the desired outcome to identify clear pathways.
    • Break down goals into manageable steps, anticipating and addressing obstacles along the way.

Optimize outcomes

  • Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule):
    • Identify high-impact activities that will yield significant results.
    • Prioritize efforts for optimal efficiency.
  • Continuous Learning and Evaluation (CLE):
    • Emphasize the value of continuous learning and self-evaluation.
    • Regularly assess progress, celebrate successes, and learn from challenges.
  • CLEAR Path to Success:
    • Use the CLEAR framework for Collaborative, Limited, Emotional, Appreciable, and Refinable goal-setting.
    • Ensure that goals are aligned with the client’s evolving needs and aspirations.

Is executive confidence coaching right for you?

Confidence coaching isn’t for everyone, so read this first…

My confidence coaching isn’t for everyone because I’m looking to work with individuals who truly believe in the power of coaching and are ready to make a serious commitment to their growth. Coaching is a partnership, and it requires both the coach and the client to invest time, energy, and effort into the process. My approach is highly personalized and results-driven, but it only works for those who are willing to be open, put in the work, and actively engage in their own transformation.

I’m not looking for clients who want quick fixes or half-hearted attempts at improvement. Confidence-building is a journey that requires dedication, consistency, and a real willingness to step outside of comfort zones. That’s why I choose to work with individuals who are ready to take ownership of their progress and are committed to making meaningful, lasting changes in their mindset and behavior.

If someone isn’t fully committed or doesn’t believe in the value of coaching, the process won’t be as effective. My coaching works best for those who are not only seeking guidance but are also prepared to act on it, apply the strategies, and hold themselves accountable for their success. I’m here to help clients who are serious about investing in their personal and professional growth—and who are ready to make that commitment.

Download my price guide and see if my executive coaching is right for you.


Confidence coaching isn’t for everyone, so read this first…

My confidence coaching isn’t for everyone because I’m looking to work with individuals who truly believe in the power of coaching and are ready to make a serious commitment to their growth. Coaching is a partnership, and it requires both the coach and the client to invest time, energy, and effort into the process. My approach is highly personalized and results-driven, but it only works for those who are willing to be open, put in the work, and actively engage in their own transformation.

I’m not looking for clients who want quick fixes or half-hearted attempts at improvement. Confidence-building is a journey that requires dedication, consistency, and a real willingness to step outside of comfort zones. That’s why I choose to work with individuals who are ready to take ownership of their progress and are committed to making meaningful, lasting changes in their mindset and behavior.

If someone isn’t fully committed or doesn’t believe in the value of coaching, the process won’t be as effective. My coaching works best for those who are not only seeking guidance but are also prepared to act on it, apply the strategies, and hold themselves accountable for their success. I’m here to help clients who are serious about investing in their personal and professional growth—and who are ready to make that commitment.

Download my price guide and see if my executive coaching is right for you.


Who is a good fit for my executive confidence coaching?

Professionals and Executives

Confidence coaching can significantly benefit executives and professionals by helping them develop the self-assurance and leadership presence needed to excel in high-pressure roles. For individuals in leadership positions, confidence is essential not just for personal success but also for influencing and inspiring others. My coaching focuses on strengthening these critical skills, allowing executives and professionals to perform at their highest potential.

Here’s how confidence coaching can help:

  1. Improved Decision-Making: Confidence allows leaders to trust their judgment and make decisive, informed choices. My coaching helps executives overcome self-doubt and second-guessing, enabling them to lead with clarity and authority.
  2. Enhanced Communication: In business, confident communication is key. Whether it’s speaking in meetings, delivering presentations, or managing teams, my coaching helps professionals speak with conviction, clarity, and poise. This leads to better collaboration, stronger relationships, and a greater ability to influence others.
  3. Stronger Leadership Presence: Executives need to command respect and inspire trust. Confidence coaching helps professionals develop the leadership presence necessary to inspire teams, manage conflict, and lead by example, ensuring they are seen as authoritative and capable leaders.
  4. Resilience in High-Pressure Situations: The ability to remain calm and confident during challenging situations is crucial for executives. My coaching equips professionals with techniques to manage stress, stay composed, and handle setbacks with grace, making them more resilient in the face of challenges.
  5. Career Advancement: Confidence is often the deciding factor in career progression. My coaching helps professionals present themselves effectively, take on new challenges, and seize opportunities that lead to promotions or new leadership roles. With a stronger sense of self-assurance, they are more likely to step into higher-level positions and pursue growth opportunities.
  6. Personal Growth and Development: Confidence coaching is not just about professional success—it also supports personal growth. By addressing self-limiting beliefs and building self-esteem, professionals become more balanced and fulfilled, which positively impacts all aspects of their lives.

By helping executives and professionals develop a deep sense of confidence, my coaching empowers them to lead more effectively, communicate with greater impact, and navigate their careers with assurance and purpose. This transformation leads to more successful outcomes, both for the individual and the organizations they lead.

Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

Confidence coaching can be a game-changer for entrepreneurs and small business owners, as it equips them with the mindset, resilience, and self-assurance necessary to navigate the unique challenges of building and running a business. Entrepreneurs often face uncertainty, risk, and the need to make critical decisions under pressure, and confidence coaching helps them develop the tools to handle these challenges with poise and conviction.

Here’s how confidence coaching can specifically benefit entrepreneurs and small business owners:

  1. Empowered Decision-Making: Entrepreneurship demands making tough decisions with limited information. Confidence coaching helps entrepreneurs trust their instincts, make decisive choices, and move forward without being paralyzed by fear of failure or doubt. This leads to quicker and more effective problem-solving.
  2. Overcoming Impostor Syndrome: Many entrepreneurs struggle with self-doubt and feelings of being unqualified, especially in competitive markets. Confidence coaching helps small business owners overcome impostor syndrome by reframing their mindset, recognizing their achievements, and owning their expertise. This shift allows them to operate from a place of strength and self-belief.
  3. Pitching and Selling with Authority: Entrepreneurs often need to pitch ideas to investors, customers, or partners. Confidence coaching equips them with the communication skills and presence necessary to deliver pitches with authority and conviction, making them more persuasive and improving their chances of securing deals, investments, or clients.
  4. Building Resilience and Managing Setbacks: Running a business comes with inevitable challenges and setbacks. Confidence coaching teaches entrepreneurs how to stay resilient and bounce back from failures without losing momentum. This helps them maintain long-term focus, even when things don’t go as planned.
  5. Effective Leadership: For small business owners leading teams, confidence is crucial in managing people and creating a strong company culture. Confidence coaching helps entrepreneurs develop leadership presence, making them more effective at guiding their team, inspiring employees, and setting a vision for the future of their business.
  6. Risk-Taking and Innovation: Successful entrepreneurship requires a willingness to take risks and push boundaries. Confidence coaching helps entrepreneurs embrace risk in a calculated way, allowing them to innovate and pursue bold ideas without being held back by fear of failure.
  7. Managing Stress and Burnout: Entrepreneurs often juggle multiple roles, leading to stress and burnout. Confidence coaching includes techniques for managing stress, setting boundaries, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. With more confidence and emotional resilience, small business owners can handle the demands of their business without sacrificing their well-being.
  8. Scaling and Growth: As businesses grow, the challenges and decisions become more complex. Confidence coaching helps entrepreneurs develop the self-assurance to scale their businesses, hire the right talent, and expand into new markets. It gives them the clarity to pursue growth with purpose and confidence.

By working on mindset, self-belief, and actionable strategies, confidence coaching empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners to take control of their business journey. It enables them to face challenges with courage, make bold decisions, and lead with conviction, resulting in both personal and business success.

Executives Going Through Life Transitions

Confidence coaching can be invaluable for executives going through life transitions, whether those transitions are career-related, personal, or a combination of both. Major changes, such as moving into a new leadership role, starting a new business, or navigating a significant personal shift, can challenge even the most seasoned executives. Confidence coaching helps them build the resilience, clarity, and self-assurance they need to navigate these transitions with ease and purpose.

Here’s how confidence coaching can specifically benefit executives during life transitions:

  1. Navigating Career Changes with Confidence: Whether an executive is moving to a new company, taking on a different role, or starting a second career, these transitions can bring uncertainty and doubt. Confidence coaching helps executives align their skills, experience, and values with their new roles, allowing them to approach these changes with confidence and clarity. Coaching supports them in embracing their new responsibilities, tackling imposter syndrome, and accelerating their adaptation to new environments.
  2. Handling Leadership Transitions: Moving into higher leadership positions, such as C-suite roles, can bring added pressure and new challenges. Confidence coaching helps executives step into these roles with authority, empowering them to handle increased responsibilities, lead teams effectively, and make strategic decisions with poise. The coaching process helps executives strengthen their leadership presence, ensuring they inspire trust and respect in their new positions.
  3. Rebuilding After Setbacks: Executives going through job loss, career setbacks, or personal challenges like divorce or health issues may experience a blow to their self-confidence. Confidence coaching helps executives regain their footing by focusing on their strengths, reframing setbacks as opportunities for growth, and rebuilding their self-belief. It helps them shift from a mindset of defeat to one of empowerment, so they can bounce back stronger and move forward with resilience.
  4. Managing Work-Life Balance and Personal Transitions: Many executives face personal transitions, such as becoming a parent, relocating, or making lifestyle changes, which can impact their work-life balance. Confidence coaching helps executives set healthy boundaries, prioritize what’s important, and maintain their sense of self during these transitions. By building confidence in their ability to manage both personal and professional demands, they can handle transitions with greater ease and maintain balance in their lives.
  5. Adapting to New Industries or Markets: For executives moving into unfamiliar industries or exploring new business ventures, confidence coaching provides the mindset tools to tackle the unknown. It helps them embrace learning curves, remain open to change, and build confidence in their ability to succeed in new, sometimes uncertain environments. This adaptability is key to thriving in new opportunities without being held back by fear or insecurity.
  6. Preparing for Retirement or Legacy Planning: Executives nearing retirement often face uncertainty about their next chapter, as well as concerns about leaving a lasting impact. Confidence coaching helps executives navigate the emotional and mental shifts that come with retiring or transitioning out of a leadership role. By focusing on personal fulfillment, legacy planning, and future goals, coaching supports them in making this life transition with confidence, ensuring they leave a positive and lasting mark while transitioning to a new stage in life.
  7. Coping with Organizational Changes: Executives may face organizational transitions, such as mergers, acquisitions, or restructuring, which can create uncertainty and shake confidence. Confidence coaching equips them with strategies to navigate these changes with stability, lead their teams effectively, and maintain a clear sense of direction in times of upheaval.

Through confidence coaching, executives going through life transitions gain the self-assurance, clarity, and emotional resilience to embrace change rather than fear it. This coaching empowers them to view transitions as opportunities for growth and reinvention, allowing them to handle any challenge with poise and emerge stronger on the other side.

Teams and Organizations

Confidence coaching can have a transformative impact on teams and organizations by fostering a culture of self-assurance, collaboration, and high performance. When individuals across a team or organization are empowered with greater confidence, it not only improves personal performance but also enhances overall group dynamics, communication, and productivity.

Here’s how confidence coaching can benefit teams and organizations:

  1. Improved Team Collaboration and Communication: Confidence coaching helps team members communicate more effectively, express their ideas openly, and contribute to discussions without hesitation. This leads to more robust brainstorming sessions, fewer misunderstandings, and a culture where everyone’s voice is valued. Confident individuals are more likely to engage constructively, offer feedback, and resolve conflicts professionally, improving overall team dynamics.
  2. Increased Employee Engagement and Ownership: When employees feel confident in their abilities, they take greater ownership of their work and are more engaged in the company’s mission. Confidence coaching helps team members overcome self-doubt, empowering them to make decisions and take initiative. This level of engagement leads to higher motivation, better problem-solving, and a proactive attitude toward challenges, benefiting the entire organization.
  3. Boosting Leadership Skills Across the Organization: Confidence coaching isn’t just for executives—it can help develop leadership potential across all levels of an organization. By building confidence in individual contributors and emerging leaders, coaching enables more people to step up and take on leadership roles. This creates a strong pipeline of confident, capable leaders who are ready to guide teams, lead projects, and drive innovation.
  4. Enhancing Resilience and Adaptability: In today’s fast-changing business environment, organizations must be agile and adaptable. Confidence coaching equips teams with the resilience to handle setbacks, embrace change, and navigate uncertainty. When teams are confident, they are more likely to take calculated risks, innovate, and adapt quickly to new challenges or market conditions without being derailed by fear or hesitation.
  5. Creating a Positive Organizational Culture: Confidence is contagious, and when team members feel self-assured, it spreads throughout the organization. Confidence coaching fosters a positive culture where employees feel supported, encouraged, and valued. This not only improves morale but also leads to a stronger sense of belonging and loyalty within the company. A confident workforce contributes to a more productive, optimistic, and high-performing organization.
  6. Enhancing Performance and Productivity: Confident employees are more likely to set ambitious goals, take responsibility for their performance, and strive for continuous improvement. Confidence coaching helps individuals build the belief that they can achieve their goals, which directly translates into higher performance and productivity across teams. Organizations benefit from this increased output as employees tackle projects with focus, creativity, and efficiency.
  7. Improving Employee Retention: Confidence coaching helps employees develop personally and professionally, which increases job satisfaction. When employees feel they are growing and supported in their development, they are more likely to stay with the organization long-term. Investing in confidence coaching shows employees that their growth and well-being are a priority, improving retention rates and reducing turnover.
  8. Fostering Innovation and Creativity: Confidence coaching encourages employees to think creatively and present new ideas without fear of rejection or failure. When teams are confident, they are more willing to take risks, experiment, and challenge the status quo. This mindset fosters a culture of innovation where new ideas are embraced, and the organization can continuously evolve and stay competitive.
  9. Developing Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: Confidence coaching often incorporates elements of emotional intelligence, teaching employees how to manage their own emotions, as well as how to empathize with others. This creates a more emotionally intelligent workplace where team members are better at understanding, supporting, and collaborating with one another. Improved emotional intelligence strengthens relationships across teams and departments.
  10. Strengthening Accountability and Performance Management: Confidence coaching helps employees understand their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. When individuals are confident in their abilities, they are more likely to hold themselves accountable for their performance and meet the expectations of their roles. This level of self-awareness and accountability creates a higher standard of performance across teams and contributes to the organization’s overall success.

In summary, confidence coaching empowers teams and organizations by creating a culture where individuals are more engaged, resilient, and equipped to lead and innovate. It leads to better communication, stronger leadership, improved performance, and a positive work environment where everyone can thrive. Organizations that invest in building the confidence of their employees benefit from higher morale, greater productivity, and a more collaborative and dynamic team culture.

About your confidence coach

I help leaders, high potentials, and teams prepare for battle.

For the past six years, Thomas Unise has been a transformative force for executives and high-potential leaders.

With a career as a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Thomas has consistently built and led high-performing teams, driving success through his exceptional leadership skills.

Thomas specializes in helping develop leadership presence, enhancing communication, boosting confidence, and instilling discipline and a focused mindset.

His unique approach combines proven strategies with personalized insights, making him a trusted advisor for executives. Under his guidance, professionals transcend their limitations, discovering their true potential and achieving extraordinary results.

With a background in marketing, psychology and human behavior/motivation, Thomas brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to his coaching practice. He understands the complexities of leadership and provides clients with actionable insights and practical tools to excel in their roles.

Join the ranks of high-achieving professionals who have transformed their careers and lives under Thomas Unise’s expert guidance. Elevate your career, inspire your team, and achieve remarkable success with Thomas Unise by your side. Experience the difference of working with a coach who is as invested in your success as you are.

Embrace the journey to becoming a more effective, confident, and disciplined leader with Thomas Unise.

Download my price guide and see if my executive coaching is right for you.


Common questions

What is performance coaching, and how does it differ from other forms of coaching?

Performance coaching is a specialized form of coaching focused on enhancing an individual’s or team’s skills, capabilities, and overall performance.

Unlike traditional coaching that may address a variety of personal or professional goals, performance coaching specifically targets improvement in tasks, responsibilities, and goals related to one’s role or function.

How can performance coaching benefit me or my team?

Performance coaching can provide personalized guidance, feedback, and strategies to improve individual and team performance.

It helps identify strengths, overcome challenges, set and achieve goals, enhance communication, and ultimately drive success in both personal and professional domains.

What types of individuals or organizations typically seek performance coaching?

Individuals at various career stages, from entry-level employees to executives, and organizations of all sizes across different industries seek performance coaching.

It is beneficial for anyone looking to improve specific skills, overcome challenges, or enhance overall effectiveness.

How long does a typical performance coaching engagement last?

The duration of a performance coaching engagement varies based on individual or team needs.

On average, sessions may be conducted weekly or bi-weekly and can span several weeks to months, depending on the complexity of goals and desired outcomes.

Can performance coaching be conducted virtually, or is it only in-person?

Performance coaching can be conducted both in-person and virtually.

Virtual coaching offers flexibility and convenience, allowing clients to engage in sessions from anywhere, fostering a more accessible and efficient coaching experience.

How is a coaching plan customized to meet individual or team needs?

I conduct an initial assessment to understand specific goals, challenges, and desired outcomes.

Based on this assessment, a customized coaching plan is developed, outlining the focus areas, milestones, and strategies tailored to meet the unique needs of the individual or team.

What areas of performance can coaching address?

Performance coaching can address a wide range of areas, including leadership development, goal setting, time management, communication skills, conflict resolution, stress management, and overall personal and professional growth.

What is the process for getting started with performance coaching?

The first step is typically an initial consultation, where we discuss your goals, challenges, and expectations.

After this, a personalized coaching plan is proposed, and sessions are scheduled based on mutual availability.

How often are coaching sessions scheduled, and what is the typical duration of each session?

Coaching sessions are typically scheduled weekly or bi-weekly, with each session lasting approximately 60 to 90 minutes.

The frequency and duration can be adjusted based on individual preferences and needs.

Do you offer group coaching for teams or organizations?

Yes, we offer group coaching for teams and organizations.

Group coaching is designed to enhance team collaboration, communication, and overall performance by addressing collective goals and challenges.

Is performance coaching confidential, and how is privacy maintained during the coaching process?

Confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of performance coaching.

Coaches adhere to strict ethical standards, ensuring that all information shared during coaching sessions remains confidential unless explicit permission is given to share specific details.

How does performance coaching integrate with other organizational development initiatives?

Performance coaching can complement and enhance other organizational development initiatives by providing targeted support for individuals or teams.

Coaches collaborate with organizational leaders to ensure alignment with broader development strategies and goals.

Can you provide any success stories or testimonials from previous clients who have undergone performance coaching?

Yes, we have a collection of success stories and testimonials from satisfied clients who have experienced positive transformations in their performance, leadership skills, and overall well-being.

These testimonials can be shared upon request.

What happens if, during the coaching process, the client or team encounters unexpected challenges or setbacks?

I am experienced in navigating challenges and setbacks.

When unexpected issues arise, coaches collaborate with clients to reassess goals, adjust strategies, and provide additional support to ensure continued progress.

How do you ensure that the coaching relationship remains constructive and positive throughout the engagement?

The coaching relationship is built on trust, open communication, and a positive, constructive approach.

Coaches regularly seek feedback, adjust their methods as needed, and maintain a focus on empowering clients to achieve their goals.

Do you offer any follow-up support or resources after the coaching engagement is completed?

Yes, we provide follow-up support to ensure that clients can sustain the positive changes achieved during the coaching engagement.

This may include access to resources, periodic check-ins, or additional sessions as needed.

Perseus gave me clear direction, actionable guidance, and the accountability I needed while starting my new role.

-Elliot P. - VP of Operations

Perseus gave me clear direction, actionable guidance, and the accountability I needed while starting my new role.

-Elliot P. - VP of Operations

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New York City, New York (NY) | Los Angeles, California (CA) | Chicago, Illinois (IL) | Houston, Texas (TX) | Phoenix, Arizona (AZ) | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PA) | San Antonio, Texas (TX) | San Diego, California (CA) | Dallas, Texas (TX) | San Jose, California (CA) | Austin, Texas (TX) | Jacksonville, Florida (FL) | Fort Worth, Texas (TX) | Columbus, Ohio (OH) | Charlotte, North Carolina (NC) | Indianapolis, Indiana (IN) | San Francisco, California (CA) | Seattle, Washington (WA) | Denver, Colorado (CO) | Washington, District of Columbia (DC) | Boston, Massachusetts (MA) | El Paso, Texas (TX) | Nashville, Tennessee (TN) | Detroit, Michigan (MI) | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (OK) | Portland, Oregon (OR) | Las Vegas, Nevada (NV) | Memphis, Tennessee (TN) | Louisville, Kentucky (KY) | Baltimore, Maryland (MD) | Milwaukee, Wisconsin (WI) | Albuquerque, New Mexico (NM) | Tucson, Arizona (AZ) | Fresno, California (CA) | Sacramento, California (CA) | Kansas City, Missouri (MO) | Atlanta, Georgia (GA) | Miami, Florida (FL) | Colorado Springs, Colorado (CO) | Raleigh, North Carolina (NC) | Omaha, Nebraska (NE) | Long Beach, California (CA) | Virginia Beach, Virginia (VA) | Oakland, California (CA) | Minneapolis, Minnesota (MN) | Tulsa, Oklahoma (OK) | Arlington, Texas (TX) | New Orleans, Louisiana (LA) | Wichita, Kansas (KS) | Cleveland, Ohio (OH) | Tampa, Florida (FL) | Bakersfield, California (CA) | Aurora, Colorado (CO) | Honolulu, Hawaii (HI) | Anaheim, California (CA) | Santa Ana, California (CA) | Corpus Christi, Texas (TX) | Riverside, California (CA) | Lexington, Kentucky (KY) | St. Louis, Missouri (MO) | Stockton, California (CA) | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (PA) | Saint Paul, Minnesota (MN) | Cincinnati, Ohio (OH) | Greensboro, North Carolina (NC) | Anchorage, Alaska (AK) | Plano, Texas (TX) | Lincoln, Nebraska (NE) | Orlando, Florida (FL) | Irvine, California (CA) | Newark, New Jersey (NJ) | Toledo, Ohio (OH) | Durham, North Carolina (NC) | Chula Vista, California (CA) | Fort Wayne, Indiana (IN) | Jersey City, New Jersey (NJ) | St. Petersburg, Florida (FL) | Laredo, Texas (TX) | Madison, Wisconsin (WI) | Chandler, Arizona (AZ) | Buffalo, New York (NY) | Lubbock, Texas (TX) | Scottsdale, Arizona (AZ) | Reno, Nevada (NV) | Glendale, Arizona (AZ) | Gilbert, Arizona (AZ) | Winston-Salem, North Carolina (NC) | North Las Vegas, Nevada (NV) | Norfolk, Virginia (VA) | Chesapeake, Virginia (VA) | Fremont, California (CA) | Garland, Texas (TX) | Richmond, Virginia (VA) | Baton Rouge, Louisiana (LA) | Boise, Idaho (ID) | San Bernardino, California (CA) | Spokane, Washington (WA) | Des Moines, Iowa (IA) | Modesto, California (CA) | Birmingham, Alabama (AL) | Tacoma, Washington (WA) | Fontana, California (CA) | Oxnard, California (CA) | Fayetteville, North Carolina (NC) | Huntsville, Alabama (AL) | Moreno Valley, California (CA) | Rochester, New York (NY) | Glendale, California (CA) | Yonkers, New York (NY) | Augusta, Georgia (GA) | Amarillo, Texas (TX) | Little Rock, Arkansas (AR) | Akron, Ohio (OH) | Shreveport, Louisiana (LA) | Grand Rapids, Michigan (MI) | Mobile, Alabama (AL) | Salt Lake City, Utah (UT) | Huntsville, Texas (TX) | Tallahassee, Florida (FL) | Overland Park, Kansas (KS) | Knoxville, Tennessee (TN) | Worcester, Massachusetts (MA) | Brownsville, Texas (TX) | New Port Richey, Florida (FL) | Jackson, Mississippi (MS) | Providence, Rhode Island (RI) | Fort Lauderdale, Florida (FL) | Sioux Falls, South Dakota (SD) | Tempe, Arizona (AZ) | Cape Coral, Florida (FL) | Springfield, Missouri (MO) | Pembroke Pines, Florida (FL) | Eugene, Oregon (OR) | Peoria, Arizona (AZ) | Corona, California (CA) | Lancaster, California (CA) | Rockford, Illinois (IL) | Salinas, California (CA) | Palmdale, California (CA) | Springfield, Massachusetts (MA) | Charleston, South Carolina (SC) | Duluth, Minnesota (MN)